Company Information
Cytofluidics is a technology developer of the world’s first personalized microfluidic elasto-filtration (pMEF) technology. Its mission is to design, develop, and market the patented pMEF technology to detect circulation tumor cells (CTCs) in human blood for low-cost cancer diagnosis and clinical application of pMEF CTC system. The pMEF technology uses individual patient’s blood viscosity to achieve extremely high capture efficiency of CTCs and the depletion of white blood cell based on the
optimized Capillary number which consider the differences of CTCs and the other blood cells in terms of cell size, cell elasticity, flow rate. The pMEF CTC systems offer solutions to improving low capture efficiency, low purity and high cost of CTC detection systems on the market.
微系統生技是一家設計、開發和銷售世界領先新型個性化微流控彈性過濾(pMEF)晶片的技術公司,檢測患者血液中的循環腫瘤細胞,用於低成本癌症診斷和臨床應用。個性化微流控彈性過濾(pMEF)晶片技術,以臨界毛細管數(critical Capillary number)為基礎,利用腫瘤細胞與血液中其他正常細胞之間的大小、細胞力學性質(即細胞硬度或者形變能力)的差異及血液流速,並創新地參照不同病人血液流變學差異因素,可確保極高腫瘤細胞捕獲效率,有助解決市面腫瘤細胞檢測產品價錢昂貴、無法用於早期癌症診斷的問題。
微系统生技是一家设计、开发和销售世界领先新型个性化微流控弹性过滤(pMEF)芯片的技术公司,检测患者血液中的循环肿瘤细胞,用于低成本癌症诊断和临床应用。个性化微流控弹性过滤(pMEF)芯片技术,以临界毛细管数(critical Capillary number)为基础,利用肿瘤细胞与血液中其他正常细胞之间的大小、细胞力学性质(即细胞硬度或者形变能力)的差异及血液流速,并创新地参照不同病人血液流变学差异因素,可确保极高肿瘤细胞捕获效率,有助解决市面肿瘤细胞检测产品价钱昂贵、无法用于早期癌症诊断的问题。
Room C 2/F,
Capital Trade Centre,
62 Tsun Yip Street,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon