Company Information
Oxpecker Labs aims to develop the next-generation wearable devices that make healthcare a lifestyle by integrating monitoring devices comfortably into everyday life. Its products enable facile collection of real-time health status information for timely data-driven decisions.
Oxpecker Labs have developed its first product, MemoKids, a sensor for preventive healthcare based on the unique patented electric-contact technology utilizing microstructure that can detect human pulse pressure, heartbeat as well as breath-rate. Benefiting from the flexible electrode contact and soft electronic packaging technologies, MemoKids effortlessly conforms to the contours of human body. Real-time data can be recorded and wirelessly transmitted to the consumers’ smartphone for further analysis.
Oxpecker Labs has participated in the 6th HKUST One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition and made it into the semi-final round.
76G/F, Tai Po Tsai Village, Clear Water Bay, Sai Kung, N.T., Hong Kong