Our Company
Infitech Ltd is a start-up company incorporated in HK in January, 2018. Its founders encompass a team of professionals, including scientists specializing in the human brain's nervous system area and experienced business management personnel.
Leveraging the over two-decade research findings of Hong Kong neuroscientists, our goal is to transform the R&D results into a novel line of nutritional products specifically for brain health.
Infitech is among the Start-ups who were selected to receive seed funding under the Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities (TSSSU) for 2018/19 and 2019/20, awarded from ITC of HK SAR. In addition, we are a member of the HKUST Entrepreneurship Program.
Our Product
The elderly population in Hong Kong has been accelerating in the past. According to the World Health Organization WHO, the brain degradation is the main cause of the loss of self-care or mobility of the elderly, and it imposes a major burden on families, caregivers and society.
In collaboration with a magisterial local university, we commercialize the high-end neuroscience research results by amalgamating the modern scientific knowledge with the traditional wisdom on herbal usage to establish a new series of food supplement to serve the public with aims in promoting their brain health and enhancing the quality of life for the elderly.
Leverage on the technologies licensed from HKUST, Infitech has formulated a series of herbal-based products with brand name “Cogniherbs”. The pilot product, NerveReform and the subsequent two – MotionReform and VascuReform, are developed to:
• enhance communication capability between neurons
• reduce risk of cognitive impairment
• enhance cognitive capability including 7 fundamental functions of the brain
Our Website and Facebook
Room 3612, 3/F, Startup Zone, Annex Building, HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong