HKUST Collaborative Innovation Center (HCIC)
The HKUST Collaborative Innovation Center (HCIC) was jointly established by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and Beijing Institute of Collaborative Innovation (BICI) in December 2019. HCIC aims to promote the various types of cooperation between HKUST and BICI in projects beneficial to both Parties and society. The main research areas for HCIC include, but not limited to, Advanced Materials and Devices, Electronics and Devices, Energy and Environment, Healthcare, and Intelligent Systems and Robotics.
BICI Fund Schemes
Due Date of Expression of Interest: All year round
Frontier Technology Project Fund to support technological advancements that have passed through the research and development (R&D) phase but have not yet been mass-marketed nor adopted by the mainstream.
Type 1– A new technology roadmap (not currently available in the industry), due to the difficulty of technical realization or there are still many exploratory problems to be solved, that required more experimental work to verify the stability and reliability of the technology.
Type 2 – New application of an existing technology to address unsatisfied market demand or unresolved issues. Experimental work to confirm the effectiveness of this new application.
Engineering Project Fund for translational research that is ready for commercialization and scale-up.
Key Focus Areas
- Optoelectronics
- Laser sources
- On-chip integrated laser sources
- Other novel laser sources (not high power)
- Optical sensors
- On-chip integrated optical sensors
- Fiber optic sensors
- Spectroscopy-based sensors
- Other novel optical sensors
- Flexible electronics
- Flexible display
- Flexible sensing
- Laser sources
- Materials
- Structural Material
- Composite and processing technologies
- Functional Material
- Structural materials with function integration
- Energy materials
- Energy conversion materials
- Energy storage materials
- Organic electronics
- Semi-conductors/Conductors
- Display materials
- Biomaterials
- Structural Material
- Medical Devices
- Physiological and pathological imaging and detection
- Optical imaging and spectroscopy
- Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging
- In-vitro diagnosis
- Interventional and treatment device
- Cardiology
- Ophthalmology
- Physiological and pathological imaging and detection
- Environmental Engineering
- Water treatment technology
- Intelligent system, materials and microorganism
- Detection and monitoring technology
- Trace pollutant detection
- Harmful microbes detection
- Circular economy
- Pollution monitoring and recycling
- Water treatment technology
- Intelligent Manufacturing
- Industrial software
- Design, research and development
- Process management
- IIoT
- Intelligent Equipment
- 3D printing
- Industrial robotics
- Scientific equipment
- Key component and control system
- Digital Manufacturing
- Virtual design, manufacturing, and process control
- Industrial software
- Biomedicine
- Antiviral tumor cancer drugs
- Small-molecule targeted drugs
- High-end preparation
- Antiviral tumor cancer drugs
HCIC Project List
Project No. | Principal investigator (EN) | Principal investigator (CN) | Department | Project Title (EN) | Project Title (CN) |
GICI-001 | Prof. Fei SUN | 孫飛教授 | CBE | Development of medical adhesive protein hydrogel based on synthetic biology | 基於合成生物學開發醫用粘合蛋白質水凝膠 |
GICI-003 | Prof. Andrew Wing On POON | 潘永安教授 | ECE | Programmable heterogeneously integrated III-V-on-silicon microring switch matrices | 可編程異質集成矽上三五族微環開關矩陣 |
GICI-011 | Prof. Tianshou ZHAO | 趙天壽教授 | MAE | Functional Construction and In-situ Preparation of the Negative Electrode Materials for the High-performance Flow Battery | 高效液流電池負極材料的功能性構建及原位製備 |
GICI-012 | Dr. Wei HAN | 韓偉博士 | ENVR | Multi-functional Gel Materials for Preventing Algal Bloom | 用於藻華防控的多功能凝膠材料 |
GICI-022 | Prof. Karl Wah Keung TSIM | 詹華強教授 | LIFS | Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform in Traditional Chinese Medicines | 基於人工智能的中醫藥現代化研究平台 |
HCIC-001 | Prof. Hao CHEN | 陳浩教授 | CSE | Development and application of next–generation intelligent microscopy imaging and analysis towards real-world clinical scenario | 面向臨床真實場景的新一代智能顯微成像和分析的技術研發和應用 |
HCIC-002 | Prof. Baoling HUANG | 黃寶陵教授 | MAE | Development of low-cost polymer-based uncooled infrared sensor | 基於聚合物的低成本低能耗非製冷被動式紅外傳感器 |
HCIC-003 | Prof. Jiannong WANG | 王建農教授 | PHYS | Development of GaN Heterostructure UV Photodetector Integrated Circuits | 氮化鎵異質結紫外光探測芯片的開發 |
HCIC-004 | Prof. Xiaomeng LI | 李小萌教授 | ECE | Automatic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Detection from Echocardiogram Videos via Annotation-efficient Deep Learning | 基於超聲心動圖的肺動脈高壓自動檢測算法研究 |
2024 HKUST SENG-BICI Entrepreneurship PhD Program
The goal of the program is to establish an innovation system to cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents with outstanding innovative spirit, profound professional knowledge and excellent professional skills, who can solve complex practical problems creatively, contribute to the development of an innovation community, and create social impact.
For more information, please contact hcic@ust.hk