HKUST-Kaisa Joint Research Institute (HKJRI)
The HKUST-Kaisa Joint Research Institute (HKJRI) was established in November 2019 to develop technology and knowledge to be commercialized for practical applications and products via platforms of Kaisa Holdings Limited.
HKJRI focuses on the technological areas of New Materials, IOT/AI, Big Data, Fintech, and Healthcare Technology. HKJRI will work closely with Industry to facilitate the technology transfer process, including the formation of spin-off start-up companies, with strong support from the University and incubation hubs in the Greater Bay Area.
HKJRI Fund Scheme
HKJRI Project Fund invites applications all year round. HKJRI supports two types of projects: Seed projects and Main projects.
Seed projects aim to nurture scientific projects. They provide funds of up to HKD 0.5M net and lasts for no more than one year.
Main Projects can be seed projects which have been nurtured for some time and are ready for commercialization or projects in HKUST that are ready for commercialization. They provide funds of up to HKD 3.5M net and normally lasts for no more than two years.
All faculty and researchers in HKUST are eligible to submit proposals. Projects shall tie in with HKJRI focused technological areas. Specific research themes to be released by HKJRI according to the demands from Industry and strategic research directions of HKUST.
HKJRI Project List
Project No. | Principal investigator (EN) | Principal investigator (CN) | Department | Project Title (EN) | Project Title (CN) |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-001 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Baoling HUANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)黃寶陵教授 | DepartmentDepartmentMAE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Development of low-cost high-performance solar absorber | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)低成本高效能耐高温选择性太阳能吸热膜的开发 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-003 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Ping GAO | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)高平教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCBE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Porous UHMWPE membranes for high-flux water desalination | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)高流量多孔超高分子量聚乙烯海水淡化薄膜 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-014 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Ming LIU | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)劉明教授 | DepartmentDepartmentECE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Highly Integrated Multi-sensor Synchronization System | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)高集成多传感器同步系统 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-015 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Dr. Min Gao | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)高民博士 | DepartmentDepartmentFYTRI | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Research and Application Demonstration of Key Technologies for Visual Management of Smart Park Based on Indoor and Outdoor Location | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於室內外位置一體化的智慧園區可視化管理關鍵技術研發與應用示範 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-023 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Henry YAN | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)顏河教授 | DepartmentDepartmentSRI | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Development of Organic Solar Cell Materials and Their Applications in Indoor Devices | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)有機光伏的材料研發及室內應用 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-031 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Weijia WEN | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)溫維佳教授 | DepartmentDepartmentPHYS | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Research and commercialization of microfluidic biological microsphere/capsule preparation technologies | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)微流控生物微球/囊製備關鍵技術及產業化 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-039 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Terence Tsz Wai WONG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)黃子維教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCBE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Eliminating second surgeries by high-throughput, label-free, and slide-free histological imaging of surgical resection specimens during surgery | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)透過在術中對生物樣本進行高通量,無染色和無切片的組織學成像來免除二次手術 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-040 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Jiheng ZHANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)張季恆教授 | DepartmentDepartmentIEDA | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Fintech Frontier Research based on Data, Modeling and Algorithms | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於數據、模型和算法金融科技前沿研究 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-042 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Xinghua ZHENG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)鄭星華教授 | DepartmentDepartmentISOM | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Approaching Mean-Variance Efficiency for Large Portfolios | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)大維投資組合優化 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-043 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Yong HUANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)黄湧教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCHEM | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)AI-assisted development of anti-addition medications | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於人工智能的新型戒毒藥物研發 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-045 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Jinglei YANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)楊晶磊教授 | DepartmentDepartmentMAE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Cost effective continuous fiber reinforced novel thermoplastic composites for lightweight applications in automobile | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)高性價比連續纖維增強熱塑性複合材料在汽車輕量化中的應用 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-046 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Ping SHENG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)沈平教授 | DepartmentDepartmentPHYS | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Novel metamaterial-based I room acoustics | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於超材料技術的室內聲學 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-050 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Qiming SHAO | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)邵啟明教授 | DepartmentDepartmentECE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Magnetic Neuromorphic Devices for Autonomous Driving | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)用於自動駕駛的磁性神經器件 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-051 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Ming LIU | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)劉明教授 | DepartmentDepartmentECE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)UGV - Quadrupedal Robot Autonomous Delivery Project | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於無人車與四足機器人協作的自動化校園遞送系統 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-052 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Michael Yu WANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)王煜教授 | DepartmentDepartmentMAE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Life-long Learning System for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)適用於自動駕駛場景中三維目標檢測模塊的終身學習系統 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-058 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Qifeng CHEN | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)陳启峰教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Building a Multiscopic Sensor for Depth Sensing | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)建一個多攝像頭的深度相機 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI-059 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Wei ZHANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)張薇教授 | DepartmentDepartmentECE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Design of an AutoML framework for generation of Robust Neural Architectures for Autonomous Driving Applications | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)應用於自動駕駛應用的魯棒神經體系結構自動生成框架設計 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-051 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Haifeng YOU | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)尤海峰教授 | DepartmentDepartmentACCT | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Machine Learning and Quantitative Investing | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)機器學習與量化投資 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-052 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Bo LI | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)李波教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)CoinGuard: Real time monitoring platform for crypto currencies | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)加密貨幣的實時監控平台 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-054 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Qiong LUO | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)羅琼教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)加密貨幣以及背後的區塊鏈技術的研發 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-055 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Amir KAFSHDAR GOHARSHADY | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN) | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Efficient Probabilistic Smart Contracts | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN) |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-056 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Lei CHEN | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)陳雷教授 | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Deep Learning Research in Finance Data Applications | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)深度學習在金融數據中的應用研究 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-057 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Yi YANG | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)楊毅教授 | DepartmentDepartmentISOM | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)Deep Learning Approach Financial NLP | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)基於深度學習的金融文本分析 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-059 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Kani CHEN | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN)陳卡你教授 | DepartmentDepartmentMATH | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)
Research and application of artificial intelligence and algorithms for cross-asset quantitative trading |
Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)用於跨資產量化交易人工智能與算法的研究及應用 |
Project No.Project No.HKJRI3A-060 | Principal investigator (EN)Principal investigator (EN)Prof. Dimitris PAPADOPOULOS | Principal investigator (CN)Principal investigator (CN) | DepartmentDepartmentCSE | Project Title (EN)Project Title (EN)AUTI: A verifiable and privacy-preserving auditing platform | Project Title (CN)Project Title (CN)AUTI: 一種可驗證並且隱私保護的審計平台 |
For more information, please contact hkjri@ust.hk.