HKUST-BDR Joint Research Institute (HBJRI)

The HKUST-BDR Joint Research Institute (HBJRI) provides a unique platform to facilitate and strengthen the collaboration between University and Industry in talent development and technology innovation, with a focus on the mutually interested strategic areas including construction and restaurant robotics, artificial intelligence and big data, smart cities and smart living, thus supporting the transition of Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area into a knowledge-based economy. The Guangdong Bright Dream Robotics Co. Ltd. (BDR), a wholly owned subsidiary of Country Garden, will provide strong support for applied research and deployment of translational / applied research results from HBJRI. 

Since the establishment of HBJRI, more than 20 research projects have been carried out, involving robotics, artificial intelligence, smart cities, big data, and other pain points in the industry. One of the milestones that significantly demonstrates the in-depth cooperation between HKUST and BDR is the signing of seven IP licensing agreements, which successfully transformed technological research results into productivity and further consolidate the University’s work in knowledge transfer. 

HBJRI Fund Scheme

HBJRI Project Fund invites applications all year round. There may be calls for proposal with a theme (normally twice a year – in April and in October). Project proposals shall be preferably within the strategic focus areas, or a technology theme established upon feedback from industry partners. Projects should demonstrate advancement in technology readiness of HKUST research outputs, the prospect of adoption by industry partners, and include commercialization plan. The project duration typically is no more than 12 months, though it may be extended upon mutual agreement. The PI must demonstrate their projects have genuine commercial potential, including but not limited to foreseeable adoption and application by the industry for further applied research/downstream development. Project selection is based on both technological areas and commercial potentials of the projects that are of key economic benefits to the society and in line with the high impact areas as defined in the HKUST Strategic Plan.

HBJRI Project List

Project No. Principal investigator (EN) Principal investigator (CN) Department Project Title (EN) Project Title (CN)
UB-19.001 Dr. Min GAO 高民博士 FYTRI An Indoor-outdoor Localization Solution in Construction Site  建築工地室內室外導航解決方案
UB-19.002 Dr. Min GAO 高民博士 FYTRI Development of a Light 3D Map Engine 輕量級多維信息3D地圖
UB-19.003 Dr. Ke YAO 姚科博士 FYTRI Development of Intelligent Data Platform for Construction 建築智能數據平台
UB-19.004 Prof. Jinglei YANG 楊晶磊教授 FYTRI Development of PCM Microcapsules for Energy Saving Buildings 相變材料微膠囊在建築節能中的開發應用
UB-19.005 Prof. Baoling HUANG 黃寶陵教授 MAE Development of Inorganic Passive Radiative Cooler for Energy-efficient Buildings 建築用被動式輻射製冷薄膜開發及應用
UB-20.001 Dr. Dong LU 呂冬博士 FYTRI Research on Design and Forming Technology of Large Composites for Building Formwork and Light-weight Robots 建築模板及機器人輕量化用大尺寸連續纖維增強複合材料設計與成型技術研究
UB-20.002 Dr. Bitao ZHANG 張碧陶博士 FYTRI Calibration-free Visual Servo System Based On Six-axis Robot 基於六軸機器人的無標定視覺伺服系統

Dr. Thomas TANG


ECE Power Saving and Eye Friendly E-book Reader with Video Playing Capability 可播放動畫省電護眼電子書閱讀器
UB-20.004 Prof. Ming LIU 劉明教授 ECE GPU-Accelerated Lossless Compression of Point Cloud Data GPU加速的點雲數據無損壓縮
UB-20.005 Dr. Bitao ZHANG 張碧陶博士 FYTRI Research on Motor Conrol Strategy Based On Parameter Identification and Self-tuning 電機參數辨識與自整定控制策略研究
UB-20.006 Prof. Shuhuai YAO 姚舒懷教授 MAE Development of Wear-Resistant, Anti-Corrosion, Self-Cleaning, Superhydrophobic Surfaces for Building Robots' Metal Components 用於建築機器人金屬零部件的高耐磨、高防腐、超疏水自清潔表面的開發與製備
UB-20.007 Dr. Ke YAO 姚科博士 FYTRI Testing and Risk Assessment of Lithium Battery 鋰電池測試與風險評估
UB-20.008 Dr. Min GAO 高民博士 FYTRI Research and Application on the Integration of BIM Data and Mobile Map Engine BIM數據與移動端地圖引擎對接技術研究和應用
UB-20.009 Dr. Dong LU 呂冬博士 FYTRI Material protection solution for the overall frame and friction track of the self-lifting building construction platform 關於自升造樓平台整體框架和摩擦軌道的材料保護解決方案
HBJRI-FTP-002 Prof. Shenghui SONG 宋勝輝教授



Network Sensing and Its Application in Smart City and Smart Construction Site 網絡感知及其在智慧城市和智慧工地中的應用
HBJRI-FTP-003 Prof. Xueqing ZHANG 張學清教授 CIVL Investigation on the Prefabricated Concrete Structure for Constructing 6 Storey Buildings 適配6層裝配式混凝土結構體系研究
HBJRI-FTP-004 Prof. Li QIU 丘立教授 ECE Autonomous UGV Flocking 無人車自主集群
HBJRI-FTP-005 Prof. Chik Patrick YUE 俞捷教授 ECE Automated 3D Reconstruction using Robot-mounted 360-Degree Camera with Visible Light Positioning Technology for Building Information Modelling Applications 基於 360 度全景相機重構及可見光定位技術的建築信息建模應用
UB-22.001 Prof. Yantao YU 于言滔教授 CIVL Dynamic Construction Scene Understanding under Complex Lighting Conditions 建築施工場景複雜光照條件下的動態環境理解
UB-22.002 Prof. Jun MA 馬駿教授 HKUST (GZ) Real-time Architectural Measurement and 3D Reconstruction in Complex Environments 複雜環境下的建築實測與三維重建
UB-22.003 Prof. Jun MA 馬駿教授 HKUST (GZ) High-precision and High-efficiency Whole-body Control Technology for Decoration Robots 裝修機器人全身高精度高效率控制技術
UBJRI-FTP-24-005 Dr. YIN Huan 尹歡博士  ECE Key Technologies for Coverage Task Using Indoor Mobile Manipulators 室内复合机器人的覆盖作业关键技术研究
HBJRI-FTP-24-006 Prof. TAN Ping 譚平教授 ECE 3D Semantic Mapping with Low-cost Sensors for Indoor Service Robots 室内服务机器人的低成本3D语义建图
HBJRI-TB-25-001 Prof. ZHANG Fumin 張福民教授 ECE Optimization Study on the Control of Ground Troweling Robots 地面抹光机器人控制优化研究


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